Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Humanities


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Programme aims

The degree programme in Humanities aims to provide students with solid, multi-disciplinary grounding in literary, linguistic, historical, artistic and archaeological subjects. The programme offers several curricula, addressing students to more specific fields of study: Classic, Modern, European Literary Cultures. While the Classic curriculum studies ancient literature, history and archaeology, the Modern curriculum privileges areas of study from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era, and the European Literary Cultures curriculum covers language and literature of the main European cultural… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the 1st cycle degree programme in Humanities is subject to the possession of a five-year secondary school diploma or other suitable qualification obtained abroad. Candidates must also possess appropriate general knowledge. Prior knowledge is assessed in terms of the following knowledge and competencies: - Strong general knowledge; - Logical and reasoning skills; - ability to read, understand and interpret texts and documents in Italian; - Strong expressive skills in Italian; - Basic knowledge of Latin; - Knowledge to level A2 of a European language (French,… Read more