Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Philosophy


  • Programme type Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language Italian
  • Type of access Open access - TOLC-SU
  • Degree Programme Class L-5 - Philosophy
  • Degree Programme Director Paolo Savoia
  • Degree type Double/Multiple degree
  • Department Philosophy - FILO
  • Learning activities Course structure diagrams

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Welcome day 2019/2020 for incoming exchange students (Erasmus, Overseas, etc.)

Welcome day 2019/2020 for incoming exchange students (Erasmus, Overseas, etc.)

19th September 2019, 11 am - Classroom VI on the ground floor - Via Zamboni, 38 – Bologna

Erasmus and Overseas students in anthropology  archaeology, art, cinema, communication, digital humanities, geography, history, humanities, music, philology, philosophy, semiotic, theatre are invited to take part.

Information will be provided on: registration, degree programmes, teaching activities, lesson timetable, study plan, Learning Agreement, exams.

Programme aims

Basic learning is understood as both critical skills in approaching the fundamental aspects of contemporary philosophical debate and the analysis of the roots of such debate in the history of philosophical thought. Based on the specific core learning outcomes of Class L5, the Degree Programme is structured to achieve the following learning outcomes: - solid knowledge of the history of philosophical and scientific thought from classic antiquity to modern debate, in both the characteristic features of philosophy in the broader history of western ideas and culture, and in the relations and… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the 1st cycle degree programme in Philosophy is subject to the possession of a five-year secondary school diploma or other suitable qualification obtained abroad. Candidates must also possess appropriate general knowledge. Prior knowledge is assessed in terms of the following knowledge and competencies: - Strong general knowledge; - Logical and reasoning skills; - ability to read, understand and interpret texts and documents in Italian; - Strong expressive skills in Italian; - basic philosophical knowledge. The methods for assessing the knowledge required for… Read more