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Coopstartup Romagna: Call to create new cooperative enterprises. Deadline: 31/05/2017

Published on 10 May 2017

Legacoop Romagna and Legacoop Emilia Romagna, together with Coopfond and Alleanza 3.0, promote ”Coopstartup Romagna” project to support the creation of new cooperative enterprises and to foster innovation and youth employment.  

To participate you need a team made up of at least 3 persons and an entrepreneurial idea. Most of the team members must be younger than 40 years old and they wish to start a cooperative enterprise with legal and operative office in the province of Forlì-Cesena, Rimini or Ravenna. Pre-existing cooperative enterprises can participate too, if founded starting from June 1st 2016 in the same geographic area.

The 4 winning projects will be awarded 12.000€ each to start the new cooperative enterprise together with an intensive and free training course and a post start-up ongoing support.

Deadline to apply: 31/05/2017

Access to the online platform to participate in the call for applications  
