The degree programme provides a trainingbasis for the professions of archivist and librarian, ensuring a technicalspecialisation for the purposes of training, management, enhancement andpreservation of cultural heritage such as books, documents and public andprivate document collections. In addition to ensuring sound historical, legaland IT knowledge for the processing and communication of descriptiveinformation, it provides the appropriate organisational tools for the design,management of complex IT systems and the management of institutions for thepreservation of historical books and documents. Training in specific sectors(archival, books and documents) takes into account the ongoing national andinternational research in the most advanced fields of this discipline. For thispurpose, the learning activities offered as a whole help support the learningof a language of the European Union, in addition to Italian, with reference todisciplinary vocabulary.
As for the professionals to be trained, thecurriculum has been divided into three thematic areas (specialist, legal andmanagerial, and training in book and document heritage), which, by integrating,contribute to deepening and critically developing knowledge of the contents andhistorical processes of book, archival and document heritage; of thelegislative, managerial and technical aspects of the activities related to thepreservation, enjoyment and enhancement of cultural heritage in the areascovered by the degree programme.
Since the first year, students define theirown curriculum, choosing from a range of mandatory learning activities, and arefree to choose the course units that are consistent with either theprofessional role of the archivist or that of the librarian.
In the first year, the learning activitiesthat provide specialist knowledge in the field of archival science and libraryscience represent the largest group and go hand in hand with two groups ofdisciplines, one relating to the methodological/legal/managerial field, and theother to the literary field. The second year's programme catalogue providesstudents with an adequate in-depth knowledge of the disciplines of archival andbook heritage, also from a historical perspective. At the end of the degreeprogramme, students will be able to complete their training with an internshipor laboratory activities, which will enable them to develop the competenciesthey need to enter the world of work.
To be able to profitably follow the2nd cycle degree programme in Library and Archive Science, students must haveacquired:
- basic knowledge in archives, bibliography and libraryscience, history and other library and archive studies;
- basic technical and scientific competencies in thehistory and organisation of libraries, public and private archives and themanagement of books and documents.
Admission to the program is subject to the possession ofeither a five-year high school degree or other suitable qualification obtainedabroad.
Additionally, candidates must meet the curricularrequirements and pass the assessment of personal knowledge and skills.
Curricular requirements:
A first-cycle degree in the following classes:
pursuant to Italian Ministerial Decree 270: L-1 CulturalHeritage;
pursuant to Italian Min. Decree 509/99: 13 – CulturalHeritage Studies;
- Previous four-year degree programme system:Conservation of Cultural Heritage;
- Three-year university degree: Cultural HeritageOfficer;
Have a degree belonging to a different class to thoseindicated and have obtained the university credits indicated in the degreeprogramme teaching regulations.
Assessment of personal competencies and skills.
Admission to the master's degree programme requirescandidates to pass an assessment of personal competencies that will be heldaccording to the methods defined in the degree programme teaching regulations.