Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science of Lifelong Educational Processes

Science of Lifelong Educational Processes

Programme aims

Specific learning outcomes of the Programme The 2nd cycle degree programme in Science of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning aims to produce professionals capable of playing highly qualified roles in the arrangement of seminars and services targeting adults with a view to vocational training, adult education, professional catch-up and requalification, counselling and skill balancing, return to work and lifelong learning. In this area our country falls short of the Lisbon objectives laid down by the European Union for all member states. These professional figures must be able to… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission requirements Admission requirements for the Degree Programme To join the second-cycle degree programme in Science of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning one needs the following: 1. Academic qualification - to have a degree in one of the Classes under D.M. 270/04 or D.M. 509/99 or under the previous four-year system or to have gained another academic qualification abroad which is recognised as compatible and equivalent; 2. Curricular requirements - to have gained 90 credits in the humanities area at least 60 of which in M-PED, SPS, M-PSI, M-DEA/01. … Read more