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The transition qualification from university careers to the world of work at the University of Bologna - Forlì and Cesena Campuses

25 May 2017

Aula 14 del Teaching Hub, viale Corridoni 20- Forlì Campus

Forlì and Cesena Campuses collaborate with the project"The transition qualification from university careers to the world of work at the University of Bologna - Forlì and Cesena Campuses", co- financed by the Fondo Sociale Europeo PO 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna region.

On May 25th an informative meeting with interested qualified students and newly graduates will take place.

The meeting, which will be followed by future events, has been organised at the Forlì and Cesena Campuses:

  • Cesena from 11 to 12 (Aula A di via Sacchi 3)
  • Forlì ​from 15 to 16 (Aula 14 del Teaching Hub, viale Corridoni 20)

Training centres will be present.

The meeting will be held in Italian.