Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Fashion studies

Inaugurational Event FCM on December 17th with Alberta Ferretti and Stefano Guindani

Published on 20 November 2014

Alberta Ferretti and Stefano Guindani
Fashion Culture and Management

Alberta Ferretti and Stefano Guindani will be the protagonists of the inaugurational event of the new "Fashion Culture and Management" degree programme which has started in the academic year 2014/15.

The event will take place on December 17th at 11 A.M. at Rimini Campus (Via Quintino Sella 13, auditorium Alberti 13).

Two major protagonists of the fashion world will inaugurate Fashion Culture and Management, the new international programme of fashion at Bologna University. One of the greatest designers worldwide and the talented fashion photographer intersect their professional experience in a unique and unprecedented lecture.


- UniRimini: Address of welcome
- Introduction by the course coordinator Prof. Fabriano Fabbri
- Alberta Ferretti and Stefano Guindani for FCM – Fashion Culture and Management