CLEF allows you to shape your study programme so that it matches your interests and ambitions. In the first year all your modules are set for you and mandatory. From the second year on, it is requested that you make some choices, and pick some electives. To do that, if you are a 2nd or 3rd year student, you have to fill in your individual study plan on StudentiOnline. Your study plan needs to be filled and submitted within certain periods in the year, and anyway before sitting the exams that you will include in it.
Students can complete the Study Plan on Studenti On-Line ("Study Plan" button) in the following two periods:
No exceptions to these intervals are possible
Log in your StudentiOnline profile, choose Teaching Activities. State your choices and press the Save button before quitting the programme.
It is possible to edit your Study Plan by adding or deleting courses in the two periods indicated. Please make sure that all the courses/teaching activities you are going to be marked for are actually included in your online study plan.
In addition to your mandatory second year modules, you have to choose two modules within a range, among the following, depending on your interests, and/or on the teaching period each is offered (1st/2nd semester).
Also, if you wish to take an internship, you can do it starting from the summer at the end of your second year, by including it in your second semester study-plan (see Internship** below).
In addition to your mandatory third year modules, you have to choose one within a range, depending on your interests, and/or on the teaching period each is offered (1st/2nd semester),:
In addition to mandatory and optional modules, in your third year you will spend 16 credits in electives: choose among (or combine) modules, language exams, transferable skills or an internship.
a) Electives suggested by the programme: modules activated within CLEF.
b) Language Exams: (Idoneità linguistiche, to be taken at the Language Centre) You may select a language exam as follows: either leve B1 (for 3 CFU) or B2 (for 6 CFU) in French, German or Spanish. Of course, if you are a native speaker of any of these languages, you are not allowed to take an exam related to your mother tongue (even though it appears in your module options). No English exams are included in the list, as CLEF is taught in such language. Please find all the info and dates here.
c) Other CLEF courses not previously selected: In 2nd or 3rd year CLEF plan includes optional courses (namely "choose one/two modules in this list"). You may choose as electives CLEF optionals that you had not previously selected. To insert these courses ,please click on the arrow next to Insegnamento a scelta su CORSO 8835 - ECONOMICS AND FINANCE.
d) Some courses from degree programmes other than CLEF: a few non-CLEF modules taught in English are available for you too choose: you will find the list on your study plan online form form. NB: You cannot choose any course from other degree programmes but just those listed.
e) Other elective courses of the University of Bologna: if you wish, you may ask to include, as electives, courses from other degree programmes, as long as they have some consistency In such case, please click on the arrow next to Insegnamento a scelta su ATENEO 010 - UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, insert the chosen course(s) and wait for the Director's approval. Important:
f) Modules other than those related to point e): If you wish to attend any other module (e.g. modules from restriced-access degree programmes , you will need to first ask availability to the instructor of such module(s), then fill in the form in the "attachments" box of this page then send it to for the Course Director's approval. Such choice(s) should be, anyway, somehow consisten or not too different from the general goals of CLEF and at Bachelor's level.
If you wish, you can include an internship in your study plan and gain credits from it that will be part of your 16 electives. You can pick one of the following options (they are mutually exclusive)
250-hour intenship -> 10 CFU
400-hour internship -> 16 CFU
You can either select on your study plan (and carry out) your internship in your third year, or anticipate your internship in your 2nd year, at the end of classes, between june and september. It is essential that you have included your internship in your study plan before carrying it out. For more info and advice on internships, check the relevant pages of our website.
and select an internship before carrying it out, not after.
The Learning Agreement replaces the study plan in your period abroad and you can state your optional and elective choices on the L.A. For the optional and elective choices that you do not include in your L.A., you need to include them in the study plan within the set deadlines.
However, if you are leaving for an exchange period, it may be wise to fill in the study plan anyway as if you were in Bologna. Why? If, for example, you do not manage to sit abroad all the exams that you had planned in your L.A., having optionals / electives selected in your s.p. is a safer fall back option if you what to take them in Bologna on your return. If htey are not selected, you cannot take them when you come back.
Essentially, everything that is not a mandatory module needs to be duly selected, be it in the final version of the Learning Agreement or in the Study Plan, or both to be on the safe side.
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