First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business and Economics


The curricular internship is a training experience, included in the study plan of the degree programme, aimed at completing academic education through practical experiences.

What is an internship

curricular internship is an experience intended to complete your University education by carrying out practical work in structures within or outside the University, in Italy or abroad, and to obtain the credits expected for your course of study.

Types of internships included in your Degree Programme

You can choose one of the following internship options among the electives :

  • (82522) Internship to acquire 12 credits (CFU) for 300 hours
  • (B5515) RASHIP (within Unibo) to acquire 12 credits (CFU) for 300 hours

If you choose the first option: "Internship", you will carry it out at private companies, public institutions, professional firms etc, either in Italy or abroad. 

If you choose the second option: "RASHIP", you will carry it out  within a Unibo laboratories, research centres and admin offices, carrying out tasks supporting their activities, or acting as a Research Assistant of a faculty member of the Department of Management (DISA) of the University of Bologna.

In order to set up a Raship, please follow the specific on line procedure outlined afterwards in this page.

When can you apply

You can set up your internship from the end of the second semester of the second year (during the Summer) and/or during the third year, after selecting it in your study plan (please read the information on how to modify the study plan).

Commission Board/Academic Tutor: Prof.ssa Maria Giulia Roversi Monaco

What to do at the end of the internship

In the following order:

  1. Before leaving the internship position, make sure that your attendance sheet is duly filled in and signed.
  2. Upload the whole attendance sheet on SOL-Internships
  3. Fill in the evaluation form that you'll then be directed to (you will find the link after you will have uploaded the attendance sheet)
  4. Once completed the points before, the Internship Office will validate the activity and your Internship Academic Tutor will register it. (It is not necessary to book a "registration session" on AlmaEsami).