First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business and Economics


CLABE was designed and evolved from the need of a world-class business administration programme in Italy. The founders, some of the best minds from the corporate and academic worlds, anticipated the leadership needs of high-school students dreaming to attend a programme that would give them a managerial culture together with a strong global attitude.

The rapidly changing business landscape requires young leaders with a wide understanding of the mature and developing economies and a structured international perspective. The CLABE faculty and partners are committed to creating such leaders through its innovative while consolidated programme.


To find out the admission requirments, please check the official Call for Application.


Brief Presentation

CLABE – Business and Economics is a 1st cycle degree – 3 year Bachelor degree - entirely taught in English, forming graduates who are qualified for market oriented managerial or consultant positions within an international setting.

The course provides students with integrated management abilities in different operational areas, enabling them to address international market oriented issues both in the economics field and in the companies’ marketing, financial and strategic management.

CLABE is an international programme for both Italian and foreign students. Exchange programmes like Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Overseas are strongly encouraged and supported.