First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business and Economics

Classrooms specifics

Lecture rooms - Bologna campus

The School's rooms are located in different parts of the student area.

Piazza Scaravilli 2 building includes:

  • - Aula 1, ground floor (100 seats)
  • - Aula 2, ground floor (78 seats)
  • - Aula 4, ground floor (25 seats)
  • - Aula 5, ground floor (32 seats)
  • - Aula 11, first floor (100 seats)
  • - Aula 12, first floor (78 seats)
  • - Aula Magna, first floor (200 seats)
  • - Aula 21 , second floor (100 seats)
  • - Aula 22, second floor (78 seats)
  • - Aula 31, second floor (100 seats)
  • - Aula 32 , third floor (78 seats )

Every lecture room is equipped with a computer, a data projector, possibility of laptop cabling, handheld mics (or Lavalier/haeadset upon request). Piazza Scaravilli premises also host teachers' offices and study areas. In its immediate surroundings are also located:

  • - Aula 3 “Barilla”, Piazza Scaravilli 1/1 , ground floor (160 seats)
  • - Aula Bigiavi, Via Belle Arti 33, fourth floor (45 seats)
  • - Aula San Giacomo, Via San Giacomo 3, ground floor (100 seats)
  • - Aula Filopanti, Viale Filopanti 5, (50 seats)

Via Belle Arti 41 building include:

  • - Aula I , ground floor (190 seats)
  • - Aula II , ground floor (25 seats)
  • - Aula III , second floor (62 seats)
  • - Aula IV , second floor (25 seats)

Every lecture room is equipped with a computer and a data projector, with possibility of laptop cabling. Rooms I and III are fitted with handheld mics (or Lavalier/haeadset upon request). The venue also hosts a study area, the Department's Library as well as its administraion and teachers' offices.

Berti Pichat building, located in Via Ranzani 1, includes:

  • - Aula V, ground floor (88 seats)
  • - Aula VI, ground floor (40 seats)
  • - Aula VII, ground floor (48 seats)
  • - Aula VIII, ground floor (48 seats)
  • - Aula Astro 1, ground floor (50 seats)
  • (subject to availability, Aula Morassutti D in Viale Berti Pichat 6, basement, 440 seats) .

Every room is equipped with a computer, a data projector and possibility of laptop cabling, handheld mics or wireless radio mics upon request. In the immediate surroundings, in Via Ranzani 14/B , are available a few other lecture rooms:

- Aula A , ground floor (178 seats)

- Aula B , ground floor(255 seats)

  • - Aula C , first floor (206 seats)
  • - Aula D, first floor (320 seats)