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Final grade and bonuses

Your Final Grade

While exam grades are on a 18-30 scale, the final grade is on a 66-110 scale. Such final grade is the result of the starting grade + the bonuses (see below). The starting grade is the mathematical average of all of your exam marks weighted on the corresponding credit point values, converted into a mark in the 66-110 scale. The file in the attachment may help you calculate your starting and final grade, however, this is not to be intended as an official tool: it is the Registrar’s Office and the Ufficio Presidenza who can provide official and complete information.

  • For every exam passed with honorus (30 e lode0.33 points are added 
  • Courses and activities in your records that are not graded, that is those assessed on a pass/fail basis, such as internships or idoneità, do not count towards the starting grade.
  • The value resulting from previous calculations is rounded up to the nearest integer value: if the decimal point is equal to or higher than 5 then the score is rounded up, whereas if the decimal point is lower than 5 it is rounded down.
  • Exams from previous academic careers appearing on your records as “acknowledged” will not count towards the starting grade (however, if the where recognized via the “transfer from another Italian university” procedure, they will count).
  • To students whose academic curriculum is particularly deserving and whose final paper is well produced, the Graduation Board may decide to award honours (110 e lode).
  • The name of the Graduation Board members, the list of graduating students, the student’s starting grade and the exact dates will be published by the Ufficio di Presidenza about two weeks before the final exam, and will be available on StudentiOnline.

See the information on how to calculate the average score based on your study programme.


A number of bonus points may be added to your starting grade, according to:

Graduation session:

I (July): 4 points
II and III (September and October): 3 points
IV (March): 2 points