First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business and Economics

Master or Laurea Magistrale?

your next step...

There are 2 different kinds of studies that can be done after graduating in the CLABE, different in terms of methodology and goals. This is a summary of many talks of questions and answers we had with students:




This program, under the Italian law of education, is a two-year Academic Master of Science, has to goal to focus on a more in-depth study of previously studied subjects and on a slightly larger set of subjects than those you have studied in the CLABE: some more statistics, some more law, some more management, and a research thesis.


The learning methods that are used in the “Laurea Magistrale” are very similar to that of the “Laurea Triennale”, thus it is mainly based on traditional lectures, books, written exams. The final reseach thesis should explore a theoretical framework of a subject and develop some empirical work to verify/falsify that framework or some hypotheses that extend  the theoretial framework.


The laurea magistrale is two-year compulsory program for those students who want to progress to the doctoral level. Doctoral programs are three-year research oriented  programs, mainly oriented to the academic and research career.


There is a track  taught in Italian, called Laurea Magistrale in Direzione Aziendale” and a track taught in English, called “Direzione Aziendale - International Management”. These are links to the “laurea magistrale”:




Under the Italian law of education, the word “Master”  is used to classify postgraduate programs that have the goal of building a bridge between the university and the business environment and guarantee a fast placement in a company.


This is what really differentiate a master program from a laurea magistrale: the Master programs that work best are those where, instead of doing traditional lectures, there mainly are case studies, teamwork, company meetings , company presentations, company projects and internships. The concepts are considered as a set of tools that can be explained, discussed and used to solve real business cases. During a master program students feel more as if they were at work more than being at a university class.



In the University of Bologna, Master studies in business administration and management are mainly hosted at the Bologna Business School.

The Master programs can require two – three years of work experience (MBA program , for example the following    )  

in other cases it can be attended just after the laurea triennale / bachelor degree (for example Master in Gestione d’Impresa,      )

The language of the course depends on the goals of the program.

In the programs where we want to focus as much as possibile on fast learning and company projects, the language is italian, as companies still prefer  to have the coffee talk and have most of the materials in that language. For example, in the Master in Gestione d'Impresa, it is easier to do the many one-month company projects in collaboration with companies if we stick to the italian Language, at least for the projects. That way we "produce" more projects. Of course also in the master programs that are in Italian language, cases and some lectures can be not only in Italian but also in English. Some master programs, more based on traditional courses and less on the mix courses/company projects, have switched to English, to enroll some more international students