First cycle degrees students can attend a semester in the University of Bologna's Buenos Aires campus.
Please note that it is necessary to obtain a study visa to go to Argentina.
Take a look at this link for further information and visit the Argentinian Consulate website.
Students won’t be able to enter Argentina unless their passport is set to expire at least six months after the final day of travel. That means that if the passport has less than six months remaining until the expiration date, it should be renewed right away.
Applications must be submitted exclusively on-line according to the call, on AlmaRM, following the guided procedure.
Candidates may apply for only one semester.
Only CLABE students who took part in the first year at the Buenos Aires Campus can apply for both semesters and spend the whole third year of the bachelor course in Buenos Aires.
DEADLINE: May 5, 2025
The study exchange program with the Unibo venue in Buenos Aires is offered to students who are, at the moment of the call, enrolled in the second year of first cycle degree and will be in the third year when the semester at the Buenos Aires branch will take place.
Students of the following bachelor courses can participate to the call:
I SEMESTER (27 July - 19 December 2025)
II SEMESTER (2 February - 4 July 2026)
The project is reserved to students regularly enrolled in the second year of First Cycle Degree. It is mandatory to have obtained at least 45 University credits and the final ranking will consider the weighted arithmetic average of the exam marks and a motivational letter, which can be either in English or in Spanish.
For the academic year 2025/26 the programme offers:
- To have a unique study experience in a highly internationalized environment;
- To spend a semester abroad in a top important city of South America, within a fast growing economy with strong connection with the Italian industry;
- To get a top level preparation in key topics of Business Management
- To have the opportunity to attend different company visits, to discover in person how the Argentinian business system works;
- To develop elevated language skills in Spanish;
Each semester, the project will allow the attendance of three learnig activities in the economic and managerial fields taught in Spanish and English at the South American university.
Activity |
Where |
Ects |
Taught in |
Corporate Finance |
@Buenos Aires Campus |
9 |
English |
Laboratory of Management |
@Buenos Aires Campus |
9 |
Spanish |
Gestion de Proyectos |
in the framework of the agreement with ITBA |
12 |
Spanish |
Materiales y Procesos (Engineering) |
in the framework of the agreement with ITBA |
9 |
Spanish |
Activity | Where | Ects | Taught in |
International Economics | @Buenos Aires Campus | 9 | Spanish |
International Marketing | @Buenos Aires Campus | 9 | Spanish |
Direccion Estrategica | in the framework of the agreement with UCA or UADE | 12 | Spanish or English |
The courses taught abroad are totally comparable with the home study plan for the third year of Clabe. Alternatively, courses will be considered as electives for students attending other comparable study plans from other schools at Unibo.
The Learning Agreement (LA) is the document that present the correspondence of subjects the student is going to obtain.
The document is drawn up like a mirror: on the first side there is the set of subjects the student is going to attend in BA, on the other side the subjects of the study plan that should be substituted by the former ones.
The correspondence HAS TO BE as indicated in the attachments called LA examples.
In case the BA subject has more CFU than the Italian relative subject, you can get the difference of CFU and spend those CFU in electives chosen in the Italian study plan. See the file "Learning Agreement Example" in the attachments here on the right.
Once the LA has been presented, the offices of the University will validate it or, in case it is not correct, will suggest how it has to be done.
The LA is the core document of the exchange, it allows the recognition of the exams you took in BA.
Servizi Didattici Ingegneria-Architettura - Mobilità Studentesca Internazionale
Semesters @Buenos Aires - Italian version
[ .pdf 309Kb ]
Semesters @Buenos Aires - English version
[ .pdf 360Kb ]
Learning agreement example for all courses - II Semester
[ .pdf 168Kb ]
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