First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business and Economics

What is OFA (Additional Learning Requirement) and how to fulfil it

OFA - What is it?

CLABE admission test (SAT) assesses general knowledge, as well as that of some specific fields. To attend CLABE it is important to know some basic mathematics, therefore students who do not reach a minimum set threshold in the maths sections of the test will be asked to do supplementary study, and will be assigned an OFA, an Italian acronym which stands for “Additional Learning Requirements”. This makes sure that university students do not have any pronounced deficits in subjects that must be thoroughly grasped, due to the very nature of the degree programme.

OFA thresholds:

  • SAT: <500/800

I was selected and assigned an OFA - can I enroll?

Yes, you can. Having been assigned OFA does not in itself prevent one from enrolling, attending lessons and sitting exams. If you are selected, you can still register to the programme and take exams, but must as soon as possible fulfill the OFA.

How do I fullfill my OFA?

Students who have been assigned with OFA are required to attend  the mathematics alignment course or other activities that may be promoted for this purpose.
The OFA is is met by passing a test at the end of the Mathematics Alignment Course (or other activities that may be activated for this purpose), which will take place on the dates set by the Course Programme Board and published on the University Portal.

Students who do not complete the OFA within this time limit may enrol in the following academic year in the first year of the course as repeat students, with the obligation to complete the OFA.

What happens if I fail the OFA Test in the first year?

Students who do not complete the OFA within this time limit may enrol in the following academic year in the first year of the course as repeat students, with the obligation to complete the OFA.
The rules and deadlines for satisfaction of the Additional Learning Requirements also apply to students who have chosen the flexible curriculum.