First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Economics and Finance

Dickinson College

The Bologna Center of the Dickinson College Centre has been working in Bologna since 1964, welcoming American students attending modules both at the Center and at the University of Bologna. Every semester the Dickinson College offers 11 Unibo students (at least in their second year) the chance to attend the modules (taught in English) at Dickinson (Bologna Center), in the fields of Political Science, Economics and International Studies. Here you can find their call for applications and the list of modules offered.

If you wish to take part in the call and you are eventually selected, you should prepare a Learning Agreement where you state the courses that you wish to take at Dickinson-Bologna (you may use the file in the attachemt box as a reference). You need to make clear:
  • their title and lenght in terms of hours (ask Dickinson Bologna for intormation);
  • whether they are modules that you can subsitute with CLEF's (if the case): please indicate the corresponding CLEF module and its credits;
  • whether they are modules you would like to have recognised as electives (max. 16 CFU).
  • If you plan to attend modules in topics different than economics/finance/business, please include a short motivation statement where you explain how such modules would enrich your CV/academic experience.
Please send your request to the Programme Coordinator.

Dickinsons Bologna Contacts:
Dr. Clarissa Pagni, Associate Director, Dickinson College, via Marsala, 2, 40126 Bologna, tel. 051 224451, fax 051 226056, e-mail: