First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Economics and Finance

Information and rules about exams

  • Exams at CLEF will be mainly written, sometimes oral. In order to take an exam you will first need to register for it on AlmaEsami
  • Grades are expressed out of thirty. You will pass an exam with a grade of at least 18/30. If you get a full grade (30/30), your teacher may also decide to award you honours (lode). A fail (< 18/30) will not lead to a grade being given. This means that if you fail an exam you will not obtain the relative credits. Even though the negative evaluation will appear on AlmaEsami, it will not show on your final transcript and does not affect the average of the final grade.
  • Please note – 1 italian credit (CFU) = 1 credit from the European credit system (ECTS)
  • Exams are planned immediately after the end of a module. Students have 3 possibilities per year to sit an exam (3 appelli: one standard session + 2 retakes, one of which in September). However, it is strongly recommended that they take the exam immediately after the course: this will enable them to obtain the required credits in due time and in the most appropriate order.
  • Partial exams: instead of full exams and, anyway, according to teachers' availability, students will be able to take mid-terms and partial exams, in order to better organise their workload. Here is a prospectus of a student's options: