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Getting ready: writing and grading information

Information on how to write your final paper, on your final grade on what to do on graduation day

At the end of their study path, students are admitted to their final exam, consisting in the public presentation of a project to the Graduation Board.

In order to be admitted to the graduation session, you must have earned the credits from all of the modules and learning activities except the “final exam” (that is, when you have earned and registered at least 177 credits). You can choose different graduation sessions, according to when you manage to finish your exams: July, September, October, or March. The earlier you graduate, the more bonus points you may be awarded (please refer to the specific information about graduation mark).

The final exam, leading to graduation, consists in the public presentation of a project of your choice (see the “Guidelines for drafting your final project”) to a specific board of teachers, the Graduation Board, who will ask you a few questions about it. On successful completion of the “final exam”, the same day you will be assigned your final mark and be awarded your degree. 

Final Paper

The final examination consists in writing a short-lenght paper on a subject relevant to your studies, developed in an original way (with or without the guidance of a teacher) and to its public presentation to a Degree Board. Important:

The paper you will write is not a thesis.

Therefore, it cannot be denominated as such in your curriculum vitae or studiorum. Also, if you plan to be supported by an instructor to draft it, please remember they cannot be defined as "supervisor" (relatore).

Please refer to the documents in the attachment box "Guidelines for drafting your final paper" and "Cover page sample" for guidance on how to write your final project and for a sample of the layout.

The final paper will be discussed publicly during a specific final examination session in front of the Graduation Board.  The Board may ask you in-depth questions on methods, results and any developments of your work. The Board will assess your overal academic records, the quality of your work and discussion of it in determining your final grade. 

If you wish, you can use slides (such as PowerPoint) in support of your presentation, which typically lasts 7-10 minutes.

Your final project's title:

  • When applying for graduation you have to submit online also the title of your final project. The Course Director will assess it and approve it by the deadline. 
  • We strongly recommend you apply for graduation and write your project's title when such title is ready. However, if you need longer than the deadline for applications to write your title, please do not write any title when you apply for graduation, or write in capitals just "TO BE COMPLETED - PLEASE DO NOT APPROVE NOW"Remeber, however, to write the final title at least the day before the deadline in column 3. If you wish to get advice or need to negotiate the title, please get in touch with the Course Director, by email, as early as possible.
  • You have to email the final version of your paper, in .pdf format as an attachment, within the relevant deadline, to AND to You have to send it from your email address and the object of the email should be: CLEF graduation xx/20yy (that is, month +year) final paper.

Sending your final paper

Within the body of the email please state:

- your full name (first and last name);

- your student number (matricola);

- your degree course (CLEF 8835);

- your graduation month and year;

- your final paper’s title.

The first page in the file you will send must be that in the attachment box (cover page sample).


  • Please make sure that the final paper’s title you indicated in the application matches in the .pdf file.
  • Try not to wait until the very last day to send your final paper to the email addresses above, but send it as soon as you have it ready; however, make sure you send one version, the final one.

Your Final Grade

While exam grades are on a 18-30 scale, the final grade is on a 66-110 scale. Such final grade is the result of the starting grade + the bonuses (see below). The starting grade is the mathematical average of all of your exam marks weighted on the corresponding credit point values, converted into a mark in the 66-110 scale. The file in the attachment may help you calculate your starting and final grade, however, this is not to be intended as an official tool: it is the Student Administration Office who can provide official and complete information.

  • For every exam passed with honorus (30 e lode0.33 points are added 
  • Courses and activities in your records that are not graded, that is those assessed on a pass/fail basis, such as internships or idoneità, do not count towards the starting grade.
  • The value resulting from previous calculations is rounded up to the nearest integer value: if the decimal point is equal to or higher than 5 then the score is rounded up, whereas if the decimal point is lower than 5 it is rounded down.
  • Exams from previous academic careers appearing on your records as “acknowledged” will not count towards the starting grade (however, if the where recognized via the “transfer from another Italian university” procedure, they will count).
  • To students whose academic curriculum is particularly deserving and whose final paper is well produced, the Graduation Board may decide to award honours (110 e lode).
  • The name of the Graduation Board members, the list of graduating students, the student’s starting grade and the exact dates will be available on StudentiOnline about two weeks before the final exam.


A number of bonus points may be added to your starting grade, according to how your final paper and presentaion are evaluated, and your chosen graduation session.

Final paper and presentation:
0 to 3 points

Graduation session:

From the July 2025 session:
1st session (July): 4 points
2nd and 3rd (September and October): 3 points
4th (March): 2 points

All sessions before July 2025:
1st session (July): 5 points
2nd and 3rd (September and October): 4 points
4th (March): 2 points

Graduation Day

Graduands and their guests are requested to respect the following rules of behaviour on graduation day:

  • Arrive at the designated graduation site around 15 minutes before the assigned time.
  • Check in with the relevant personnel and receive guidelines on the presentation and the ceremony; wait to be called up by the relevant personnel before entering the graduation hall, according to the given order.
  • Wait for your turn and make sure you and your guests keep quiet, showing respect for fellow graduands who are presenting their project.
  • NO graphic presentations (e.g. ppt or prezi) are requested, but if you wish you may have them.
  • Celebrations should exclusively take place outside the university premises, and fouling both internal and external areas of the University with food, drink, confetti, etc. is strictly forbidden.
  • The University refers graduands and their guests to Article 2043 of the Civil Code, with particular consideration for responsibility for damages and Article 635 of the Penal Code, referring to criminal damages. The President of the Graduation Board reserves the right to refuse signing the degree certificate in case of problems and misbehaviour.

Your guests may attend your graduation from a distance. To do so click on the button “Ospiti” available on the Studenti Online page related to your graduation procedure. You'll then receive an email with the credentials that should be used to log in to Teams and access the graduation virtual room. These credentials can be used by multiple people at the same time. Only after, share the Teams link included in the invitation.

Info on photographs and videos during graduation sessions