First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Economics and Finance

Tutorials in Mathematics

The aim of the Tutorials in Mathematics is to provide students with the basic contents and instruments preparatory  the course  "Calculus and Linear Algebra", starting in November.

The topics of the Tutorials are preparatory for the Course of Calculus and Linear Algebra and will not be repeated later. For this reason, attendance is strongly recommended, even though you think you are already familiar with the points that will be tackeld. You will not be graded and will not obtain credits for this course, but we still strongly recommend attendance.

Please find a course description in the attachment box of this page. 

  • Attendance is mandatory for students who got admitted with OFA.

Classess will be held in presence but also online, via MS Teams.

Link to the Tutorials in Mathematics class timetable (available from September)

Link to the MS Teams virtual room for online classes