OFA - Additional Learning Requirements
In order to detect possible lacks in the subject Mathematics, additional learning requirements (known by the Italian acronym OFA - Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi) could be assigned.
The OFA requirement is fulfilled by passing the Mathematics exam.
Although TOLC-E test is not compulsory as admission procedure, all applicants to FINMA programme shall be aware that:
- based on TOLC-E results in the Mathematics section, students will be NOT given Additional Learning Requirements in case of grading higher or equal than 3,5.
If students miss to sit TOLC-E test, they will be required to sit the OFA test that is scheduled in the first two weeks of Mathematics lectures (October-November).
Also based on SAT results in the Mathematics section students will be NOT given Additional Learning Requirements in case of grading higher or equal than 400.
Students possessing one or both certificates with the scores indicated can sen them to cdl.finma@unibo.it
OFA lessons freshmen students
Online on Teams
4 October 2024, 4-7 pm
11 October 2024, 4-7 pm
25 October 2024, 4-7 pm
(additional dates may be added in March 2025)
OFA test freshmen students
15 November 2024, 4-6 pm
13 December 2024, 5-7 pm
16 January 2025, 11 am -1 pm
12 February 2025, 9-11 am