Curriculum Financial and Business Management
First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business Economics


Mission and action plan

The Financial and Business Management bachelor degree trains students to become business experts that might work internally or as external consultants for private and public companies. Scientific knowledge and technical skills are offered in the fields of economics, business administration, business management, law, and finance with a focus on sustainability and digital transformation. Basic scientific methods are also provided in mathematics, statistics, microeconomics, and macroeconomics.

Admission requirements

Admission is regulated by a call for applications indicating available positions, entry requirements and English language skills needed. 

Career opportunities

Graduation gives access to the State exams (section B) for ‘Accounting Expert’ and exemption from the first written test for ‘Chartered Accountant’ on the basis of an agreement with the local Order of Chartered Accountants. Graduates can be employed as accounting experts (first level professional accountant), professional accountants and labour consultants in both large and small and medium-sized companies working on financial aspects, performance measurement and managerial control, planning, human resource management and distribution.

Access to further studies

The programme provides access to second-cycle university studies and professional first-level university masters in Italy and abroad.