Curriculum Financial and Business Management
First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business Economics

Request of recognition for extra curricular activities

If the degree program teaching regulations allow it, you may request the recognition of a work activity (or an activity comparable to it) that you carried out during the internship:

  • after including the internship in the study plan;
  • after completing the work activity (in Italy or abroad);
  • regardless of whether or not an internship agreement already exists between the Host Structure and the University of Bologna.

As long as these activities are consistent with the course’s aims, those you can ask a recognition for are to be intended as non-entrepreneurial work activities or any comparable activity like for instance, an internship activated and sponsored by another recognized institution different from the University (e.g. Ministry of Employment accredited Employment Agency).

Recognition of activities carried out at companies or institutions where the trainee is related to a second degree of kinship (inclusive) to the owner, the reference and top manager, the partner/associate is not permitted.

At the end of the internship, to obtain recognition the forms aside must be submitted to the Student Administration Office (Segreteria Studenti), preferably by mail:

  • Credits recognition request for extra-university activities with a € 16,00 duty stamp applied on it
  • Host Structure’s statement of the activity carried out
  • Report of the activities carried out
  • Other specific attachments required in the form linked to the specific activity

After checking the admissibility of the request and the completeness of the documents attached, the Internship Committee will express a favourable or adverse opinion that will be communicated to the Student Administration Office within 60 days of the request itself. In case of successful outcome, the internship will be automatically registered in the career.

For any further information on the procedure, please address the Internship Office.