First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics

What are the additional learning requirements (OFA) and how are they satisfied?

OFA are learning activities assigned to first year students who have not met the basic knowledge of Math, required for the admission

OFA are assigned if candidates obtained a score lower than 500/800 in the Math section of the SAT test.

    What are the Additional Learning Requirements

    In order to enrol in the degree programme, it is required to meet certain basic knowledge in mathematics.

    OFA are assigned to check that you meet the basic knowledge of mathematics that is required in order to successfully complete the first cycle degree programme.

    Even if you obtain a score below the minimum required in the evaluation of the basic knowledge in mathematics, you can still enrol in the degree programme, but you will have to do complete supplementary activities known as Additional Learning Requirements.

    The admission test, required to enter the degree programme (with a limited number of available positions), includes the evaluation of the above requirements. Accordingly, you might obtain the minimum score required to be admitted in the degree programme, but you might not obtain the minimum score required to demonstrate the necessary basic knowledge in mathematics. As result, you can enroll in the degree programme but  the Additional Learning Requirements will be assigned.


    The deadline to complete the Additional Learning Requirements (if assigned) is 31 March of the year subsequent to your matriculation, (es. March  31st 2025 for students enrolled in the 2023/24 academic year).


    How to satisfy the Additional Learning Requirements

    Additional Learning Requirements are satisfied successfully completing the Mathematics exams (scheduled in the first year of the degree programme)


    What happens after the first year if you do not complete your Additional Learning Requirements

    If you have been assigned Additional Learning Requirements, in the year subsequent to your matriculation (2nd year) you will be enrolled in:

    • the second year of the degree programme if you have already satisfied the Additional Learning Requirements, completing the Mathematics exam;

    • the second year on a conditional basis until you have satisfied the Additional Learning Requirements and, in any case, until 31 March. If you complete your Additional Learning Requirements before 31 March of the year subsequent to your matriculation, you will be enrolled in the second year (not on a conditional basis anymore). If you do not complete them by 31 March of the year subsequent to your matriculation, you will be enrolled in the first year of study again (repeating). Please note that until you are enrolled on a conditional basis in the second year or in case you have to repeat the first year, you cannot take any 2nd year exam.


    The rules and deadlines for satisfaction of the Additional Learning Requirements also apply to students who have chosen the flexible curriculum.