First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics

Career Orientation Services

Orientation services and activities to support students in choosing a degree programme or at any time during their studies.

Orientation for incoming students

For help to select a degree programme and to receive support for the admission test, you may contact the Tutorial services. You will receive information about learning outcome, teaching activities and career opportunities and will be able to clarify any doubts you may have.

Additionally, services organised by the University  ,  including “Orientate with Unibo” (for degrees and single cycle degrees), are also available to students.

Orientation activities

The Programme takes part in the orientation activities promoted by the University and organises other specific activities to present the characteristics of the educational plan to students and provide them with all the information they need to start their studies.

  • 'CampusForYou'

  • AlmaOrienta

  • Open week: organised by the school during the month of March;

  • Meeting with first-year students: at the start of the lessons, meetings with first year students are organised to provide information on the programme’s teaching activities and organisation

  • Open Day: during the February-May period, the programme organises a number of meetings in which it provides detailed information on admission methods and on the teaching activities offered.

Further specific activities for the interantional curriculum "Management":

  • International Open week: of the School of Economics Management and Statistics of the University of Bologna
  • International Programmes at Cesena and Forlì Campuses
  • Welcome day during the first week of lessons to explain all the information about the learing activities of the programme.


Ongoing orientation services:

The University of Bologna supports students thanks to tutoring and internship actvities and specific events.


Job placement

The University of Bologna supports its graduates with tools and services for their professional future to get an entry position in the job market.