First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics

Exchange opportunities abroad

The degree programme offers to its students many chances to integrate their traditional study path with experiences abroad.

  • Erasmus + study purposes

The Erasmus+ Programme is an EU funded mobility programme allowing you to spend between three and twelve months at a European or non European university. You can attend courses, sit exams and earn credits for your studies. You will receive a grant from the Erasmus+ programme to help you cover your costs.

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  • Overseas programme 

The Overseas programme is run and funded entirely by the University of Bologna and is the result of collaboration agreements signed by the University with other universities in countries outside the European Union.

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  • Erasmus + Mobility for traineeships

This is the new EU-promoted programme enabling students to do a work placement abroad benefiting by a monetary contribution.

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  • Double degree programme (Master's degree programmes only)

With the double degree programme, students can complete the second year of their Second Cycle degree course abroad in one of the partner Universities gaining both the degree of the course they are enrolled in and the one of the partner university.

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  • Scholarships for the preparation or development of the thesis abroad  (Master's degree programmes only)   

The School of Economics, Management and Statistics – Forlì campus- regularly publishes call for grants for students and graduates (within 6 months form graduation at the deadline of the call for grants) to prepare a project connected to the thesis preparation or to an article to be published, connected to the thesis argument.

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  • Other scholarships to spend a semester abroad in partner universities

The School of Economics, Management and Statistics – Forlì campus- publishes call for grants for students to spend a semestr abroad in partner universities

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