The graduate:
- possesses basic data processing skills with reference to the most common software programmes and with basic application of business analytics;
- is able to use the mathematical tools necessary to the economic analysis and the basic techniques of statistical analysis;
- knows and understands the different organisational and business structures companies can use to effectively pursue their business strategic directions;
- is able to manage organisational and management projects both in the structuring as well as in the implementation phases;
- knows and is able to apply planning and management control systems, also in the specific context of cooperative enterprises and non-profit organisations.
- knows and is able to apply the techniques to analyse financial statements and evaluate economic and financial performances;
- is able to effectively operate in the commercial, administrative and control area.
The abilities to apply such knowledge and understanding are achieved through a didactic approach common to all the business, economic, statistic, mathematic and law teachings where the theoretical training is accompanied by practical examples and applications, tests and individual or group work to encourage students' active participation, proactive attitude, capacity for autonomous processing and communication of the results of the work carried out. In this perspective, the students' in-depth individual study and processing of knowledge is paramount.
Indeed, students can concretely measure their knowledge and ability to apply it by reprocessing the information acquired during the class hours and possible internships. In addition to individual study, importance is stressed on the laboratory activities and group work provided for the subjects in the statistical-mathematical, business, linguistic domains, and in optional courses included in the study plan, as well as during the preparation of the final examination.
Written and oral examinations, reports, exercises and problem-solving activities with specific tasks to demonstrate the mastery of tools, methodologies and critical autonomy are used to verify that the learning outcomes have been achieved. As far as the internship is concerned, assessment is carried out through the submission of a report by the student and the company tutor.