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Elena Argentesi

Associate Professor

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Alessandro Baldi Antognini

Full Professor

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Federica Bandini

Associate Professor

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Published on 2020-06-23 12:52:53

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Francesca Barigozzi

Full Professor

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Monica Bartolini

Associate Professor

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Luca Barzanti

Associate Professor

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Leonardo Battista

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Francesco Bergamaschi

Adjunct professor

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CLEC-M Computational Tools - July 8 2024 test marks

Published on 2024-07-08 21:12:37

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Daniela Bolzani

Associate Professor

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Maria Elena Bontempi

Associate Professor

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Riunione informativa scambi Erasmus

Published on 2024-01-11 13:50:34

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Giacomo Bormetti

Full Professor

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Fabio Bravo

Full Professor

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Corso di Alta Formazione Cybersecurity & Law

Published on 2024-07-05 09:02:20

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Gian Vito Califano

Adjunct professor

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Massimo Canali

Associate Professor

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Sara Capacci

Associate Professor

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Mauro Carboni

Associate Professor

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Giovanni Cardillo

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Davide Casale

Full Professor

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Annullata la lezione di venerdì 13 ottobre a Forlì.

Published on 2023-10-12 10:29:04

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Raffaele Corrado

Associate Professor

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Luca Costa

Adjunct professor

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Luca Dal Prato

Adjunct professor

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Carlotta Del Sordo

Associate Professor

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Roberto Della Casa

Adjunct professor

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lezione 21-09-22

Published on 2022-09-28 16:11:12

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Paolo Di Marco

Adjunct professor

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Giulio Ecchia

Full Professor

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Anna Fedorova

Adjunct professor

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Filippo Ferrari

Adjunct professor

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Guido Fioretti

Associate Professor

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Published on 2022-09-19 08:19:47

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Markus Tobias Flinspach

Adjunct professor

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Massimo Fornasari

Associate Professor

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Mauro Gaspari

Associate Professor

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Office hours of Monday the 8th of July anticipated at 15.00.

Published on 2024-07-06 19:38:54

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Francesco Gennari

Associate Professor

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Nicola Giorgi

Adjunct professor

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Fabio Gobbi

Adjunct professor

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Murad Harasheh

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Niko Samuli Jaakkola

Associate Professor

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Diego Lanzi

Adjunct professor

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Sara Lazzaroni

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Giulia Leoni

Adjunct professor

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Morten Lund

Adjunct professor

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Marco Maceroni

Adjunct professor

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Informazioni sulla frequenza dei corsi²

Published on 2021-10-01 16:45:55

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Mattia Mantovani

Adjunct professor

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Luca Mazzara

Associate Professor

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Omar Mazzotti

Adjunct professor

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Emanuele Menegatti

Full Professor

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Luciano Messori

Adjunct professor

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Published on 2022-02-21 16:55:25

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Gaetano Alfredo Minerva

Associate Professor

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Elisa Montaguti

Full Professor

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ricevimenti del 27 e 28 febbraio

Published on 2020-02-26 21:10:20

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Natalia Montinari

Associate Professor

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Graziano Moramarco

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Massimiliano Musi

Full Professor

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Maurizio Mussoni

Assistant professor

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Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato

Associate Professor

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Rebecca Levy Orelli

Associate Professor

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Federico Parmeggiani

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

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Pierpaolo Pattitoni

Associate Professor

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Barbara Petracci

Associate Professor

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Ranieri Razzante

Adjunct professor

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Marcello Russo

Full Professor

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Frequently asked questions

Published on 2019-06-26 12:35:45

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Giorgio Rusticali

Adjunct professor

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Published on 2024-05-04 17:46:27

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Alceste Santuari

Associate Professor

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Giuseppe Savioli

Full Professor

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Paola Scalzotto

Adjunct professor

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Students with pending exams from previous academic years

Published on 2024-07-05 15:36:53

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Daniele Scarpi de Claricini

Associate Professor

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Benedetta Siboni

Associate Professor

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Massimo Spisni

Full Professor

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Satoshi Sugahara

Adjunct professor

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Elena Sychenko

Adjunct professor

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Giuseppe Torluccio

Full Professor

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Lecture 22th of May 2024

Published on 2024-05-17 08:06:08

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Cristina Ugolini

Associate Professor

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Franco Visani

Associate Professor

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Maroussa Zagoraiou

Associate Professor

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Alessandra Zammit

Associate Professor

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Programma Secondo Parziale

Published on 2019-06-10 12:06:59

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