How long does it last?
The Regional Authority of Emilia Romagna has ruled out that apprenticeship contract cannot have a duration less than 12 months and cannot exceed 36 months, in order to earn the title of Master’s or Bachelor’s degree.
Funding comes from the Regional Authority of Emilia Romagna that contributes directly by financing educational vouchers to the participants of apprentiships. The apprenticeships funding is differentiated according to qualification titles to be acquired by the students.
The voucher will fund the enrolment to the Higher Education Courses and the student’s access to the University tutoring services, exclusively dedicated to the apprentice.
Funding amounts to a maximum of €5000 per year for a period that cannot exceed three years for both First and Second Cycle Degrees, of which approximately €2500 contributes to the tuition services of the University.
Who is it for?
Employers can hire young students aged between 18 and 29 (29 years and 364 days) enrolled in a Higher Education Course. The eligible students are:
• students enrolled in First and Second Cycle Degree Courses;
• students attending First and Second Level Masters;
• PHD students that desire to end their studies in a work environment by a contract of apprenticeship;
• students enrolled over the regular duration of their Degree Course can be hired by means of the contract mentioned above, as long as they fit the requirements stated in the Memorandum of Understanding of the Regional authority of Emilia Romagna and as long as they are in line with the University Credits, bound by their specific Course.
The Apprenticeship Contract of Higher Education is accessible to all employers operating in various sectors and activities, as long as they are in pursuit of activities compatible with the execution of the contract.
Degree Course
Required Italian University Credits (CFU) to access the contract
Duration of the Contract
Hours of compulsory activities
Acknowledged University Credits (CFU)
for Company Professional Traning hours
Bachelor's degree
100 CFU minimum up to 120 CFU maximum
From 12 up to 36 months
Total Amount of hours = 240 Company Professional Training hours = 150 Hours of work Permit = 90
12 CFU minimum up to 25 CFU maximum
Master's degree
50 CFU minimum up to 80 CFU maximum
From 12 up to 36 months
Total Amount of hours = 240 Company Professional Training hours = 150 Hours of work Permit = 90
12 CFU minimum up to 25 CFU maximum