First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics

Mobility programmes: approval, change, and recognition of activities

Submitting the learning agreement
If you won an exchange place, you have to define your learning agreement with the teacher in charge of the exchange and with the support of the International Relations Office  and to submit it online on AlmaRM.

After the submission, the learning agreement has to be confirmed by the teacher in charge of the exchange and signed by the Director of your degree course and a copy of it will be uploaded online on AlmaRM.

Changing the learning agreement
Before submitting your learning agreement online, please request the approval of the responsible teacher and of the hosting university. The changes will be approved/refused by your degree course by 15 days after the submission. You can submit no more than two change requests (usually one per semester). The request needs to be submitted by 5 weeks after the beginning of the lessons at the partner university. It is students’ responsibility to check specific deadlines with the foreign university.

Submitting a recognition request
After you receive your transcript of records by the hosting university, you can submit your online request to have the activities completed abroad recognized in your study plan. The original copy of your Transcript of records has to be hand delivered to the international  office of the School. Otherwise, you can forward it  to the International Relations Office in case you received it by e-mail.
The recognition of the activities is carried out according to the learning agreement previously approved, therefore if you need to submit any change, please note that the evaluation board can approve or refuse it.
The responsible teacher validates your request and proposes a grade conversion according to the ECTS grading system available at

Then the recognition is verified and approved by the teacher in charge of the exchange and signed by the Director of your degree course and your career will be updated by the student administration office.