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The School of Economics Management and Statistics – Forlì campus: n.2 Internships call for application online!

The School of Economics Management and Statistics – Forlì campus informs you that the call for application to award n.2 internships , 300 hours each , is now online

Published on 23 May 2018

 The internship will be carried out at the Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali dell’Università di Bologna- Forlì Campus:

The training objectives are:

-learn how to build and present a start-up plan to investors/partners

-Acquire project management skills: organize projects according to given objectives, defined resources and deadlines.

-Improve relational skills, knowledge and competences related to the self-entrepreneurship and the strat up world.

A representative of Dipartimento delle Scienze Anziendali dell’Università di Bologna will supervise the activity that will consist in:

-Assist the project leader in the organization and development of new projects through  the use of business plans and presentation plans

-Organize the work plan for every project: setting meetings and back-office activities.

-Redaction of business plan templates, business modelling and presentations

-Promote the Basement Club activity  through a direct contact with students, newsletter, mailing list, web page and external stakeholder relationships.

The interns will benefit of a 500 euro grant (pre-tax)  for every 100 hours performed,  and will obtain the recognition of the CFU defined by its study plan. The total amount of the grant will be calculated according to the hours effectively carried out

Deadline for application 8th June 2019. To participate is necessary to be regularly enrolled when the internship will be activated.

Find the call for application in the attachments section

 The interviews  will take place on June 19th h.15.00 in Piazzale della Vittoria 15, first floor- Vice Presidenza


Ufficio Tirocini e Placement - Campus Forlì 

Piazzale Solieri, 1, 47121 Forlì

phone: 0543 374135

Office hours: Tuesday ì: 9-11; 13-14 – Wednesday and Friday : 9-11

Phone Assistance: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and  Friday: 11-13