First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics

Preparing the study plan

The study plan of the degree course includes some elective courses to reach the 180 ECTS credits necessary to graduate

The degree programme includes 18 ECTS elective credits - students enrolled in the 3rd year should choose 12 free elective  ECTS credits.

(Only for students enrolled in the 1st year till 2021/22 it is also necessary to choose in 1 course between Industrial Relations and Management Control Systems Lab).

Free elective courses  

Please note that students cannot choose a learning activity that they already completed during their previous degree course as an elective course (the content of the courses cannot be the same ). After the study plan submission deadline, the School will check students’ study plans: if this requisite is not respected, the selected course will be cancelled (along with the mark  the student have obtained, if any) and the student will not be able to submit his study plan again during the same academic year.

Find out the list of the elective courses and their syllabus at this link!

Students can choose the following elective courses:

  • Courses offered by the degree programme
  • Internships - for more information please contact the Internship and Placement Office.
    Note: Unlike the other elective courses (that have a final mark), at the end of the internship your will receive a pass/fail evaluation only
  • Students can also choose as elective courses other courses belonging to any other degree course of the University of Bologna, belongint to one of the scientific-disciplinary sectors indicated in the list. It is possible to check the sector and the syllabus of each course at the following webpage: If a student chooses a course offered by another degree course,  it is necessary to check if it is possibile with the degree programme that offers the course. Furthermore, please note that the disciplines that are part of an integrated course cannot be chosen individually. 

Information for students who completed a study period abroad

Students who put elective credits with the indication of the sector only in their learning agreement, must submit in their online study plan. It is not possible to select the credits as they are indicated in the learning agreement (for ex. 15 ECTS credits of SECS-P/08). Therefore, it is necessary to select some “backup” courses. Then, if the student asks for the recognition of all the 12 elective credits at the end of the experience abroad, it will not be necessary to complete the “backup” exams and it will be possible to ask to the student administration office to delete them. On the contrary, it will be possible for the student to take the “backup” exams indicated in the online study plan.

Filling in your study plan: how and when it is possible to choose the elective courses

To choose the elective course it is necessary to log in on “Studenti on line ” service and click on “Study plan” in the following periods:

- First period: 30/09/2024 to  21/11/2024
- Second period: from 30/01/2025 to 28/02/2025

To correctly submit the on line study plan it is necessary to be up to date with tuition fees payment and permit of stay.

Please note: if you change the free elective courses chosen in the past academic year (a.y. 2021/22) you will not be able to graduate within March 2023.

Individual study plan

It is possible to submit individual study plans for the a.y. 2021/22 in the following periods:

- First period: 30/09/2024 to  21/11/2024
- Second period: from 30/01/2025 to 28/02/2025

The Joint Teaching Committee and the Degree Programme Board will evaluate if the proposed individual study plan is coherent with the Degree programme regulations and learning outcomes.
The number of exams, courses and ECTS of the individual study plan cannot be less than the ones foreseen in the official study plan.
The written and motivated request for an individual study plan has to be submitted to the programme coordinator within the before mentioned periods (with a 16,00€ stamp duty).