First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics

Programme aims

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If you have already enrolled, the course code is available in Studenti Online.

5892 - Management and Economics

The degreeprogramme in Management and Economics is a multidisciplinary project that aims atdeveloping/building solid economic and managerial skills with an internationalperspective in order to meet business needs..
The proposed study programmeprovides solid bases in statistics, mathematics, law and economics, developingcompetencies that can be used to promote the growth of businesses working inglobal markets.
The programme aims at providing solid quantitative-mathematical, legal andeconomic bases for developing managerial skills in multicultural and clearlyinternational contexts.
The first year of the degreeprogramme focuses mainly on the development of basic knowledge of mathematics,statistics, economics and law, as well as an introduction to economic and businessissues. The following two years focus more on the study of legal, economic,administrative, financial topics and strategic management, allowing students todevelop concretely applicable competencies in international managerialcontexts. In this sense, a key role is covered by managerial laboratories,where these competencies are practically applied and the students have theopportunity to work in real business situations.
Therefore, the distinguishing features of the programmeare:
- a strong international framework,not only given by the language ofinstruction, but also by the structure of the course units, providing studentswith interpreting approaches and tools to develop their own professional skillsin multinational and global businesses;
- great attention given to dataanalysis and management: in this respect,the programme follows the evolution of management techniques that, atinternational level, lead to decisions based on skills to manage, organise and translate largeamounts of data, coming from different sources and in big dimensions, intoconcrete managerial decisions.