First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics


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If you have already enrolled, the course code is available in Studenti Online.

5892 - Management and Economics

Professional profiles

professional profile

Sales, administrative or financial manager

Function in aprofessional context:
The manager role is part of theprocess to define andimplement business objectives, in the public or private, profit or non-profit sector.

The manageracts as a leader of the company's management oriented towards the pursuit ofthese objectives by making decisions on the use of available economic resourcesand, in particular, of human resources. More specifically, managers:
- develop business projectswithin the set strategic areas;
- carry out administrative,sales, marketing and organisational activities, also in direct contact with thepublic;
- organise human resourcesmanagement, recruitment and assessment activities;
- support the management ineconomic and financial decision-making processes.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
- specific knowledge, skills andability in the economic field;
- independent and lifelong learning abilities;
- suitable soft skills, such as communicationand interpersonal skills, organisational and managerial skills, as well asprogramming skills, in line with the assigned level of autonomy andresponsibility, the organisational and working procedures adopted and with allstakeholders involved (colleagues, other professionals, public and/or privatecustomers).

After graduating, further specialisation may be necessary, aswell as learning skills in one or more professional enhancement sectors.

- private profit businesses;
- business consulting firms;
- non-profit organisations;
- public companies;
- banks and financial brokers.

Businessstart-up and internationalisation consultant

Function in aprofessional context:
- manage relations in terms oforganisation, governance and management among various private and publicstakeholders, in the field of new business activities;
- assess and analyse businessinitiatives, identifying their financial needs and the relationships with thecapital market.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
- specific knowledge, skills andability in the economic field;
- independent and lifelong learning abilities;

- suitablesoft skills, such as communication and interpersonal skills, organisational andmanagerial skills, as well as programming skills, in line with the assignedlevel of autonomy and responsibility, the organisational and working proceduresadopted and with all stakeholders involved (colleagues, other professionals,public and/or private customers).

This position is able to assessthe market potential of new business ideas and projects.

After graduating, further specialisation may be necessary, aswell as learning skills in one or more professional enhancement sectors.

- start-ups;
- (private, public, profit andnon-profit) companies developing new markets and new businesses;
- (private, public, profit andnon-profit) companies wishing to expand their interests (procurement and salesmarkets) abroad (internationalisation).

Continuing to study

It gives access to second cycle studies (laurea specialistica/magistrale) and master universitario di primo livello.