First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Management and Economics

Quality Assurance Committee and other committees

Duties and composition

Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee

The Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee supports the Director in monitoring the quality assurance procedures and promoting quality.

To this end, the Quality Assurance Committee is in charge of:

  • verifying the implementation of the improvement measures approved yearly by the Degree Programme Board in its review report;

  • monitoring the careers of students, their opinion on the teaching activities, the level of satisfaction at the end of the programme and graduate employment rates;

  • sharing the results of their monitoring activities with the Degree Programme Board.  

University regulations require the Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee to be composed by the Director with the collaboration of other Degree Programme Board members, including student representatives:

  • Franco Visani, Coordinatore del corso di laurea
  • Guido Fioretti
  • Francesco Quarta
  • Murad Harasheh

 The Group is supported by the Degree programme tutor and by the administrative staff.



The ‘Pratiche Studenti’ Board

The Pratiche Studenti Board is in charge of proceeding and approve students’ request and it pronounces on internal/optional transferring, exams recognition, changes to the study plan, Learning Agreements drafts and on the recognition of the activities undertaken carried out abroad, within international mobility programmes.

Board members: 
Prof. Daniela Bolzani
Prof. ​Mauro Carboni
Prof. Giacomo Bormetti
Prof. Alceste Santuari


Internship Board

The Internship Board evaluates and approves company agreements for curricular internships, informs the Internship Office of the Campus about internship agreement renweal/resolution, examines and approves students’ internship projects and validates the completion of an internship programme. Moreover, it processes and approves extra-curricular activities deemed to be recognized as internships and establishes and submit operational guidelines to the Internship Office of the Campus.

Board members:
Prof.ssa ​Carlotta Del Sordo
Prof. Riccardo Silvi 
Prof. Francesco Quarta