First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Economics of Tourism and Cities


Guidance services and activities to help you choose a degree programme and at each stage of your studies.

Guidance for prospective students

Contact the programme coordinator for help with entrance selections, obtain information about expected learning outcomes, learning activities and career opportunities and clarify any doubts you may have.

The Campus of Rimini offers additional guidance services for middle high school students and high school graduates, who are about to make an important choice regarding the University studies.

Orientate with Unibo 

The University guidance services include “Orientate with Unibo”, which enables you to:

  • follow a guidance path on your own;
  • access on-line resources that:
    -  help you understand if the degree programme is really what you want 
    -  enable you to check how well prepared you are 
    -  help you prepare properly for the entrance exams

Guidance activities 

The service provides support to ​chose ​the degree programme and to receive ​assistance for the admission ​procedure. You will receive information about learning outcome, teaching activities and career opportunities and will be able to clarify any doubts you may have.

  • AlmaOrienta: the official web page about orientation at Unibo;
  • Open Days: an introduction to our University Campus of Rimini. Representatives from courses and programmes are on hand to answer your questions about the subject you would like to study. 

Alma Mater provides students with various tools to maximise their University experience and obtain information and guidance during their studies.

In addition to tutorial services, guidance and internships, the University also organises events and activities that will benefit your studies.

Further information (link to Italian version)

Orientation for enrolled students

  • Welcome days: this event helps freshmen students to get acclimated to University system, and how to use online services and facilities.
  • Tutor of the degree programme​a useful reference point to help students in their relations with lecturers and, more in general, to organise their study activities.
  • Teaching assistants: Teaching assistant, in cooperation with professors, will provide support in specific areas.
  • AlmaOrienta Unibo Web site for ​general orientation to students.
  • Meet the Director: the Director meets the class from first and second year at the beginning of each semester.

Guidance for final-year students and graduates

The University of Bologna offers support to those who wish to continue their studies or start job-hunting.

Further information 

Post graduate orientation

  • Job counselling this service is provided by the Campus of Rimini, to help graduating students and graduates in the job search;
  • ​Job placement this service is provided by the University of Bologna.