First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Economics of Tourism and Cities

OFA (Additional learning requirements)

In order to detect possible lacks in the subject Mathematics, additional Learning requirements (known by the Italian acronym OFA) could be assigned.

OFA - Additional Learning Requirements

What is it?

OFA is an Italian acronym which stands for “Additional Learning Requirements”. This makes sure that university students do not have any pronounced deficits in subjects that must be thoroughly grasped, due to the very nature of the degree programme.

To attend ITALI it is important to know some basic mathematics, therefore students will be asked to prove their Mathematics skills by sitting a test,  that is ususally scheduled within the first two weeks of Mathematics lectures (about in the first days of October).

Students who do not reach a minimum set threshold in the maths sections of the test will be asked to do supplementary study, and will be assigned an OFA.

If students miss to sit or fail basic Mathematics skills test, they will be required to sit the OFA test.

What if I sat a TOLC-E or SAT test?

All applicants shall be aware that based on Mathematics section, students will NOT be given Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) in case of grading equal or higher than 3,5 in TOLC-E or 400 in SAT test. 

How do I fullfill my OFA?

As stated in the academic regulations, students who have been tasked with an additional learning activity (OFA) must pass a compulsory 1st-year exam of Mathematics not later than March of the following year of enrolment. Until that date, students who did not fulfill the OFA requirement will be conditionally enrolled in the 2nd year. They will be able to present their study plan but will not be allowed to take exams.

The student’s career will become active only after fulfilling the OFA, allowing the student to take exams of the 2nd year.

Students with OFA can practice for Mathematics exam in many ways: lectures attendance, practice exercises and visiting the professors during their office hours in order to organize a personal work to recover initial lacks.