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6054 - Economics of Tourism and Cities
The FirstCycle Degree Programme in Economics of Tourism and Cities trains professionalsable to work in the tourism and related sectors in both the private and publicsector. In particular it trains experts able to create tourism products andpromote tourist destinations as tourism promoter, economic/managerialconsultant for urban planning, destination management officer or localdevelopment consultant.
Moreover, ittrains figures able to take part in the design and development of events, ableto enhance and promote the local territory as local marketing and city brandingexperts. To cover these roles, quantitative analysis tools are provided tomonitor flows and markets, as well as for the development of market surveys;economic skills in the operation of local systems and networks, forinterpreting market operations, business competition processes, the choices ofconsumers and public administrators in the tourism, cultural and urban field;business skills in the field of marketing, accounting and tourist businessstrategies; legal skills in relation to the governance of local and urban areasand tourism activities, tourists' and urban residents' consumer rights andother market regulation aspects; finally, data collection and informationcommunication skills through digital services provided to tourists, the localcommunity and businesses.
The trainingprogramme includes the acquisition of these skills, in the first year providingbasic knowledge through course units in mathematics, private law, politicaleconomics, history, economic geography and business economics.
The next twoyears train in more specific competences in each of the identified learning areas.In the legal field, students investigate legislation concerning the governanceof tourism and the local territory, in the field of statistics and mathematics,market survey methods, the analysis of territorial data and financial analysis;in the economic field, models relating to the economics of tourism and thecultural industry and urban, regional and transport economics. In the businessfield they will gain knowledge of marketing, budget analyses and strategies.