Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced cosmetic sciences


Advanced Cosmetic Sciences (ACS) forms chemists that can operate in cosmetic companies in the design, production, analysis and certification of cosmetic products.

This Second Cycle Degree Programme trains professionals able to grasp the emerging challenges arising from the current international regulations and aimed at the production of more effective and intrinsically safer cosmetics with reference to their entire life cycle.

ACS has an interdisciplinary spirit, aimed at providing a theoretical and practical training on the scientific and technological aspects of cosmetic products. The programme is characterized by theoretical-practical courses related to the study of natural substances and of bioactive molecules used in cosmetics, to the chemistry and to the formulation of cosmetics, to the ingredients and formulations analysis. The anatomy, physiology and pathology of the skin will also be studied, together with the microbiological, functional and toxicological control of cosmetic products.

Starting from academic year 2017/2018 the University of Bologna will have a new system for payment of tuition fees. Students will pay according to ISEE (family income). Update information here