Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced cosmetic sciences

Classrooms, labs and libraries

The degree programme facilities comprise various structures and areas that help you to carry out your learning activities, supporting you in your studies and professional and cultural research.

Lecture halls

Lecture halls of varying size, while equipped differently, they all offer the University WIFI system free of charge.

  • Lecture Halls - Clodia complex Location: Via Clodia 43 -45 -47 Rimini
  • Lecture Halls Navigare Necesse Complex Location: Via dei Mille 39 - Rimini
  • Lecture Halls – Briolini Complex Location: Corso D’Augusto n.237, Rimini

Porter’s Lodge Service

The service tends the entrances to teaching areas and provides information on the whereabouts of offices and classrooms.

Classrooms Navigare Necesse

Via dei Mille, 39

tel. 0541/434533


Classrooms Clodia

Via Clodia, 43-45-47

tel. 0541/434407

Study rooms

The degree programme makes various study rooms available for your use, whenever you want.

ITC laboratoires and PC rooms

The Rimini Campus has 5 ICT laboratories and a Virtual Lab available inside and outside University structures


Our laboratories enable you to try out the knowledge you have acquired. They represent a point of reference for your learning activities, thanks to the technologies available, the learning methods employed and the support provided by tutors with in-depth experience of laboratory work, for the benefit of students, teachers and researchers on the programmes of Advanced Cosmetic Sciences, Industrial Chemistry, Pharmacy and Quality Control on Health Products at Rimini Campus.

Location: Via Bastioni Settentrionali n. 45  - Rimini  


The Rimini Campus Branch Central Library provides services and resources designed to meet the needs of the entire academic community and of the citizenship The University of Bologna offers an extensive network of structures, library and document reference services. In particular, you can use the facilities of the humanities sector and the libraries covering law, economics and political sciences and social sciences. See the complete list of University libraries.