Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced cosmetic sciences

Programme aims

In addition to the general objectives ofLM-54 class, second-cycle degree programmes, the specific intention of thesecond-cycle degree programme in Advanced Cosmetic Sciences (ACS) is to preparechemists who are able to work:

- in the cosmetics industry, with competence in all sectors: technology-formulations, regulatory, chemical cosmetology andchemical-physical/toxicological/microbiological/functional control;

- in the emerging sectors of knowledge about the international standards governing the production and sale of cosmetics, as well as the use of chemical substances, the assessment ofchemical risks and the dangers of using new and old products and the design ofnew products that are intrinsically safer over their entire life cycle;

- inresearch, assessment and control laboratories, structures and bodies, publicand private firms, including at managerial level, on the design, production,analysis and certification of cosmetics products.

The second-cycle degree programme in ACS will give students both theoretical andpractical knowledge, enabling them to acquire the ability to evaluate andselect the most suitable ingredients and materials for the formulation of a wide range of cosmetics products; develop safe, stable and effective cosmetics products; formulate and supervise the production processes followed to make cosmetics products; implement and monitor company GLP/GMP protocols, quality systems; carry out chemical-physical, toxicological, microbiological andfunctional analyses on raw materials and semi-finished and finished products; prepare, implement and assess stability control protocols for cosmetics products; prepare the PIF (Product Information File) for cosmetics products,register formulations on the ministerial/European portal and prepare scientific-informative and general documentation for correct and effective corporate communications about cosmetic products.

Thesecond-cycle degree programme in ACS offers, in compliance with current regulations, the opportunity to take the State exam and register in section Aof the Professional Order of Chemists.

The above learning outcomes are achieved by:

1) core learning activities (general chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry and analytical chemistry) needed for a solid scientific preparation in the field of chemistry;

2) related or supplementary learning activities (in the pharmaceutical, technological, toxicological and microbiological areas) needed to complete appropriately the professional training of graduates, enabling them to acquire familiarity with raw materials and cosmetic formulations, as well as the scientific knowledge needed to assess the related safety aspects and effectiveness;

3) learning activities to acquire knowledge of the legislation governing thevarious aspects of professional activity (international regulations on theproduction and sale of cosmetics, on the assessment of risks associated withthe use of chemical products, UNI-EN-ISO standards, Good Laboratory Practices,Good Manufacturing Practices).

All learning activities are delivered in English, in order to give the graduate theability to use both written and spoken English fluently, including thespecialist lexicons, and find employment at the highest levels in cosmetics industries throughout the world.

At the end of the degree programme, before starting work on the dissertation, students are offered a curricular internship with the following objectives: carrying out in-depth bibliographical research into an assigned topic and acquire specific competence in use of the techniques and procedures needed in order to prepare the dissertation.