Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced cosmetic sciences

Recognition request for extra curricular activities

If you during your university period, have carried out a working experience or an experience beyond University consistent to the degree programme learning activities you can ask for the recognition of these activities as a curricular internship.

You can submit a request for recognition regardless of the fulfillment of any prerequisites usually provided for access to the internship and whenever you want as long as two conditions are satisfied:

-the request is made in the academic year which includes the internship activity;

-the internship activity must be entered in the study plan.

  • the specific activity for which it is asked recognition must comprise not less than 100 certified hours of laboratory or practical activity in a role that is consistent with the objectives of the Degree Course in Advanced Cosmetic Sciences;
  • the activities that are admissible for recognition are those typical of the professional profile of a graduated in Advanced Cosmetic Sciences. For instance, laboring activities are not considered consistent with such profile;
  • the participation to training courses, or professional courses, or academic courses is not considered eligible for recognition unless such courses are organized so to comprise at least 100 hours of practical activity that satisfies the requirements expressed in the previous points.

In order to apply for recognition you must submit to the Student Administration Office preferably by mail to the address Università di Bologna, Campus di Rimini via Cattaneo, 17- 47921 Rimini, the following documents (available among attachments):

1) application form for recognition of extracurricular activities with a € 16,00 duty stamp applied on it;  

2) declaration of performed activities issued by the host organisation;

3) report on the activities carried out arranged by the student;

4) copy of the employment contract and/or Copy of the last payrolls received, relative to a number of worked hours at least equal to the duration of the curricular internship, as required by the student’s Study Plan


The request for recognition is evaluated by the Board of the degree programme, in accordance with the Internship Board.

The outcome of the evaluation and the updating of the career is communicated by the Student Administration Office within 60 days from the submission of the request.


- If you are about to graduate please keep in mind the date by which you must have all your credits registered (those coming from the recognition too).

- The credits recognised can impact the examination of the merit requirements to obtain the total exemption or the calculation of the student contribution based on economic status and merit.

- You cannot ask for recognition of activities performed in host organisation whose legal manager, member or director/supervisor/person in charge has family bonds (2° degree of kinship) with you.

- You can’t submit request for extracurricular activities already recognised by University.


For more information, contact the Internship Office.




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Via Cattaneo, 17 | 47921 Rimini

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