Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Aerospace Engineering


The course is targeted to students with a sound technical background, decision-making and leadership potential. Students may also spend part of their career abroad as part of a Dual Degree programme or a European funded programme. Graduate students will be equipped with the skills required to pursue a successful career in aeronautics, space and advanced technology industries.

What will you study?

The course offers a multidisciplinary training with a solid theoretical and empirical basis for in-depth analysis, with a constant focus on comparative and international perspectives. In addition, it includes practical activities for concrete application of the acquired skills.

Experiences abroad

As part of the experiences abroad, the course offers the possibility of internships in international organisations and participation in exchange programmes. These experiences offer direct contact with international realities, enriching the understanding of global dynamics and providing a concrete advantage in the international labour market.

Build your own future. This is what you can do with this degree.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

You will be able to take part in a space mission.

By studying in Sweden for a year, you will obtain a double degree.

You will find out that the mythological CICLoPE (Italian for Cyclops) is also a unique experimental aerodynamic lab.

You will have a whole semester for your own personal project.

Lectures, lab activities and experience out in the airfield.


Teaching building

Tecnopolo di Forlì-Cesena

The study rooms

The library

Virtual Reality and Rapid Prototyping Lab

Flight Mechanics Laboratory

Microsatellites and Space Microsystems Laboratory

The Centre for International Cooperation in Long Pipe Experiments (CICLoPE)


City Life

Photo by Mara Petruzzelli

Teaching Hub

Photo by Claudio Turci

Main Forlì square by night

Photo by Rares Cosmin Gheorghiu

Keep in touch

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