Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Aerospace Engineering

Preparing the study plan

Information on how to prepare and present a study plan - A.A. 2024/2025

What is a study plan?

The study plan is the complete set of exams that you need to sit in order to graduate. Some exams are compulsory, while others are elective.

The study plan must be submitted with reference to the Course structure diagram of the Master's Degre.

Who can present a study plan? 

A study plan can be presented by properly enrolled students who have paid their tuition fees and, in the case of international students, who hold a valid residence permit.

When to present your study plan? 

You can present and amend your study plan in two periods during the Academic Year 2024/2025:

First period:  from 30th September to 10th November 2024
                             from 25th November to 20th December (first year student)
Second period: from 10th February to 7th March 2025

Following expiry of the deadlines, the last study plan presented will be deemed valid and no further amendments may be made.
No further changes to the study plan will be accepted.

A study plan submitted for a.y. 2024/2025 will allow the student to graduate starting from the first graduation session of such a.y. (July 2025).

NOTE:  in order to avoid unpleasant situations, if the student cannot login to the section where the study plan can be submitted or edited, he/she should contact the Teaching Service as soon as possible. This must be done before the deadline of the study plan submission. In case such notification is received after the deadline, (please check the periods mentioned above) no further changes to the study plan will be accepted.

How to present your study plan 

The study plan can be presented via Studenti Online by enrolled students who, accessing the website using their University usernames and passwords:
- need to add optional subjects to their plan;
- need to amend choices made in prior years.

After making the desired choices, remember to click on “save” so that your study plan can be presented correctly.

It is also advisable to print a copy of your completed study plan. This copy is in fact the only way to check for formal or substantive errors that might arise after uploading your study plan.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations, if you can’t login to the section where the study plan can be submitted or edited, he/she should contact the Teaching Service as soon as possible.

You can also ask for help to the Studenti Online Help Desk, who can assist you for problems in using the on-line service.

Instructions for the selection of elective courses

Regularly enrolled students, students beyond the regular duration of the degree o enrolled following a transfer or degree change.

 Students must submit the study plan in the periods mentioned above following this procedure:

- if the students wish to select the modules offered by their Degree, the students must submit the study plan online by logging in StudentiOnline.
The study plan can be filled in and modified more times, but only within the deadline of each period. Students can access StudentiOnline by using their own credentials. The service is active only during the period mentioned above.

- if the students wish to insert one or more teaching activities not included in the Degree curriculum, they must submit the paper module (attacched  non institutional study plan) to the Engineering Degrees Teaching Office. The module is available in .pdf,  and can be editable, the section  "ATTACHMENTS".

The individual study plans, approved by the Study Course Council, cannot however ignore compliance with the regulations and guidelines defined by the competent bodies.
If the study plan provides for the choice of training activities activated in limited enrollment study courses,  admission to the same must also be previously approved by the limited enrollment study course Council on the basis of criteria previously identified by it.

Please note:

- if your proposal is regarding teachings belonging to types: A (basic educational activities), B (characterizing educational activities), C (related and supplementary educational activities), it is necessary to fill in the “Individual Study Plan” form (available in the attachments section), apply a € 16.00 duty stamp, and deliver it to the Student Administration Office Piazzale Solieri, 1 Forlì.
It is recommended to check in advance with the Office of Course Management before handing in the individual study plan to the Student Administration Office.

- it is not necessary to apply the duty stamp if your proposal is regarding teaching activities type D (elective courses), in this case the “Individual Study Plan” form must be filled in and delivered to the Teaching Service Office Via Montaspro, 97 Forlì (1st floor), or transmitted by email to from the institutional mail address