Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Aerospace Engineering

Recognition of work or extra-university activities in place of the internship

Recognition of working or extracurricular experience as internship


The application for the official recognition of a working activity or extracurricular activity must be delivered to Student administration Office  (p.le Solieri 1, 47121 Forlì) together with the following documents: 

  1. Application for recognition (including 16 euros revenue stamp; see “MODULES” on the right) and its receipt
  2. Certification issued by the Company/Hosting Entity of the activity performed; the activity can be currently underway or ended within 2 years of the date of application (see “MODULES” on the right)
  3. Curriculum Vitae 
  4. Report on the activity undertaken in relation to the educational objectives of the course




If your working or extracurricular activity is consistent with the relevant educational activity of the course of studies you are officially enrolled in, you can ask for its recognition to replace the curricular Internship. This request is incompatible as a replacement of the final dissertation. 

You can apply for the recognition any time during the year. The activities can be currently underway or ended within 2 years of the date of application. 

The recognition is granted exclusively for the activities in strict connection to the typical tasks defining the role of the mechanical engineer. Other roles, such as worker or similar figures, are not considered as having the educational characteristics typical of an Internship; likewise, attending a training course, performing a community service and any other form of voluntary service cannot be considered relevant to the educational objectives of the Internship. 

The Internship Committee, the executive body responsible of the approval on behalf of the Course Council, usually meets the fourth Monday of each month, with the exception of August (the exact date can be verified through the website of the course of study or by contacting Ufficio Tirocini). 

Undergraduate wishing to request the recognition are advised to monitor the graduation sessions calendar and check the deadlines set for setting all the exams in their study plan and having them recorded, included the Internship. 

The recognition cannot be requested if the activity is/has been carried out in a company/organization whose legal representative, associate or director has family relationships or similar relations (up to second degree relatives) with the applying student. 

It is not possible to apply for recognition if the working or extracurricular activity has been already subject to recognition. 

The recognition of a working or extracurricular activity as a substitute of a curricular internship can be achieved to a maximum of 12 CFU. 

The administrative procedure for the final recognition, including registration on the academic record by Student administration Office  and notification to the Applicant, will require a maximum of 60 days starting from the date of submission.