Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Aerospace Engineering

Academic calendar

General Information about the teaching calendar

There are no less than six exam dates for academic year, and in any case a number of dates to guarantee students a reasonable planning of their load of exams. Exam dates must be appropriately distributed during the exam period, with not less than 15 days from one date to the other.

Some rules of good organization, regarding the exam session scheduling:

- to avoid overlapping of exams related to teaching activities delivered in the same year every time it is possible;
- to avoid scheduling exam during the lesson period, to allow all students to attend all classes, up to the end of the same;
- to set the dates well in advance, checking the availability of classrooms through the School offices, before publishing the exam date on AlmaEsami;
- to set at least two exam dates in the exam period immediately following the end of the lessons, and at least one in every other exam period following the end of the lessons.

These are courses composed of two or more subjects whose lessons can be held by different Professors, in the same period or even in different periods. The grade to be recorded will be only one, referred to the entire integrated course, evaluating the results achieved in the individual subjects.