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Thesis preparation (for students enrolled in Aerospace Engineering 8769)

12 CFU/ECTS corse unit open to 2nd year Master's Degree students who wish to carry out a wider research project or investigation


According to the Ministerial Decree n.270/04, Aerospace Engineering Degree Programme Board activated the Thesis Preparation course unit, aimed to those students interested in carrying out a wider research project or investigation; that can be achieved by obtaining 12 CFU/ECTS from the Thesis Preparation activities and 18 CFU/ECTS from the Final Examination. The overall student work corresponds to the involvement in a 8 month full-time period of research project (about a quarter of the official duration of the Master’s degree), resulting in the recognition of a quarter of the Master’s degree total CFU/ECTS.

Art. 1 Admission requirements

The course unit is open to 2nd year students enrolled in the Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering who have passed at  least 60 credits planned in their study plan.

Art. 2 Course aim

The Thesis Preparation course consists in the development of a first part of the final Thesis and allows students to expand their basic knowledge through both in-depth bibliographic research and individual study of topics which were not explicitly taught or examined in the learning activities of their study plan. The expected individual workload is a 2 month full-time period (from 300 to 350 hours).

Art. 3 Final report

To successfully achieve the Thesis Preparation course, students must submit a written research report describing the activities carried out for the expansion of their knowledge as per Art. 2.

Art. 4 Research project Supervisor 

Each student will nominate a supervisor who will certify the effective involvement of the student in the activities as per Art. 2, according to the timing and methods also expressed in Art.2, the supervisor will sign a specific module that the student will submit together with the research report. The supervisor for the Thesis Preparation course will necessarily also supervise the Thesis for the Final Examination.

Art. 5 The Evaluation Committee

The research report describing the activities carried out for the Thesis Preparation course will be evaluated by the ‘Internship and Thesis Preparation Committee’ comprising professors from the Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and representing the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors characterizing Aerospace Engineering. The Committee is elected together with the Degree Course Director and stays in charge for 3 years; the Committee members can be re-elected.

Art. 6 The Evaluation Committee assessment

The Evaluation Committee drafts a brief summary about every research report. The document describes the main results achieved throughout the course and acts as a useful resource for the evaluation of the Final Examination Committee (and for the Examiner, if present, as per Art. 7) to assess the effective differentiation between the work carried out for the abovementioned course and the Thesis that follows.

Art. 7 Examiner designation

The Evaluation Committee, as per Art.5 above, must also elect an Examiner for each evaluated research report. The Examiner is designated when the report summaries are drafted as per Art 6 above, whether the student opts for the ‘Major Master’s Thesis’ or not (please see the Course regulation), and is in charge of the Thesis evaluation in case the ‘Major Master’s Thesis’ is chosen. In case a student who has not completed the Thesis Preparation course wishes to opt for a Major Master’s Thesis, The Evaluation Committee will nominate an Outside Examiner in the first session after the student’s request submission. This request must be submitted according to the Course Regulation procedures at least 3 months prior to the scheduled graduation session.
Thesis Preparation Committee

Prof. Sara Bagassi (Chairman) 
Prof. Gabriele Bellani (Member)
Prof. Alessandro Ceruti (Member)

The Commission will meet on Monday 2nd September 2024

 How to submit the Thesis Preparation form

The thesis preparation request form and/or the Thesis preparation recognition form (in the attachments box) can be handed in to the Engineering Degree Office during the office hour or submitted by email (please send a scan of the signed form).