The Quality Assurance Committee of the Degree Programme is responsible for supporting the Course Coordinator in the activities related to quality assurance and the dissemination of quality culture.
To this end, the QA Management Commission shall:
- drafting the annual and cyclical review documents;
- verify the implementation of the improvement actions approved annually by the Study Course Council;
- monitor the progress of students' careers, their opinion on training activities, the satisfaction at the end of the training and the employment situation of graduates;
- share with the Study Council the results of the monitoring carried out.
The University has foreseen that the Management Committee of the Degree Programme will be composed of the Coordinator assisted by members of the Course Council, including representatives of students.
The current composition of the Quality Assurance Management Commission of the Degree Programme is:
Prof. Eleonora Iacono (Degree Programme Director)
Prof. Giampiero Pagliuca
Dr. Fabiana Trombetti
Dr Chiara Bernardini
Prof. Caterina Lupini
Students who assist the work of the Commission are:
Giacomo Bandioli (
Matteo Carrieri (
Evelin Vigato (