Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Animal Biotechnology

Degree Programme Director and Board

Degree Programme Director and Board: duties and responsibilities.


Eleonora Iacono

The Degree Programme Director is elected by the professors and researches in the Degree Programme Board. The Director, who remains in charge for three years, is responsible for the implementation of the Board’s guidelines, acting as a liaison with relevant Departments and other structures.

The secretary is Dr. Chiara Bernardini. 

Degree Programme Board

The Degree Programme Board is composed of the teachers responsible for the training activities and two representatives of the students. 

 The Degree Programme Board formulates proposals to the Department on the subject of teaching planning, revision of arrangements and teaching regulations. It also offers proposals on the organization of learning and activities to support the Department. 

 The functions It performs include: 

  • the establishment of the profit verification fees;
  • the credit recognition;
  • the authorisations to carry out and recognise training activities abroad as part of international mobility programmes (Learning Agreement) ;
  • the organisation of graduation exam boards and their schedules.