Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Animal Biotechnology

Expected learning outcomes

The master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology knows and understands:
  • biotechnological methods applied to genetic analysis for disease identification, veterinary pharmacological biotechnology (gene therapy, biotechnological vaccines) and bio-markers for the study of diseases and monitoring of environmental exposure to toxic substances;
  • the methods of developing animal models for the study of human diseases and alternative in vitro and ex vivo methods for pharmaco-toxicological and pathogenetic studies including the set-up and manipulation of embryonic and adult stem cell cultures of animal origin;
  • reproductive biotechnology (in vitro maturation and fertilization, gamete and embryo freezing, transgenesis and cloning);
  • methods for sanitation control and food quality;
  • nutritional biotechnology for optimization of livestock production.
The knowledge and ability to understand, which the graduate student acquires through lectures, laboratory activities and practical activities carried out both at the Department and at affiliated companies, cover transversal disciplinary areas involving cultural and scientific profiles pertaining to Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and biomedical subjects. Knowledge and understanding are tested both through practical activity and during examination sessions. Curricular internship and final dissertation writing are also formative and testing moments.

The master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology is able to:
  • apply acquired knowledge related to innovative diagnostics;
  • apply acquired knowledge to the development of experimental animal models;
  • apply reproductive biotechnology;
  • carry out quality and sanitary control of foodstuffs;
  • apply nutritional biotechnology to optimize livestock production.
These skills are achieved through the involvement of students, individually or in groups, in activities that involve a critical reworking of knowledge acquired during lectures and practical activities. This is complemented by elective activities and curricular internships. The ability to apply knowledge and understanding is tested both through practical activities and during the examination session.

At the end of the degree program, the master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology acquires the autonomy of judgment to allow the development of critical skills essential to deal with the design and conduct of studies and research in the fields peculiar to biotechnology, and in related fields of study and research, even when ethical implications are present. The graduate is able to perform a careful critical cost-benefit analysis before embarking on an activity and to integrate knowledge from multiple knowledges while managing the complexity of biological systems, including bioinformatics approaches. It is also able to make circumstantial judgments about experimental results based solely on scientific evidence, identifying and thus taking into account, all existing variables. Autonomy of judgment is developed, in particular, through permanent interaction with professors who use methods of testing the acquisition of knowledge and skills based on the production of synthesis and reworking of data, group work and presentation of term papers.
The acquisition of independent judgment is verified during oral or written examinations, as well as through the writing and presentation of personal papers, term papers, and work done in group activities.
A special role is then played by the hours devoted to practical laboratory activities, which usually conclude with an individual reworking related to the activities themselves. The writing of the final dissertation is a fundamental part of this process, which leads to the acquisition of critical skills and autonomy of judgment.

The master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology is able to effectively and unambiguously communicate acquired knowledge and its implications in a collaborative context with interlocutors of similar specialized background but also with interlocutors of different or less specialized background. The graduate is able to expound the results achieved in Italian and English both orally and in writing using appropriate language and providing the results of the research carried out. He/she also knows how to use modern means of communication by choosing the most appropriate ones to reach specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. Communication skills are acquired through attendance at lectures and participation in seminars organized as part of individual teachings or the entire Degree Programme. Communicative skills are tested as the course progresses through oral examinations, presentation of group work, and through the presentation and relevant discussion of the final dissertation.
English language learning, as well as through e-learning training activities, is stimulated by conducting some lectures in English and using materials preferably written in English for self-study and group work activities. English language proficiency is verified by passing an proficiency test.

The master's degree graduate in Animal Biotechnology is able to select information sources useful for the autonomous deepening of knowledge in the context of the specific work issues he/she will face, as well as to assess his/her level of updating with respect to the knowledge and scientific-technological innovation of the production sector in which he/she is professionally inserted, also in economic and regulatory terms. The graduate is able to undertake subsequent studies (PhD, masters, graduate school) with a high degree of autonomy, having mastered a method of study that allows him to work by objectives, both in groups and independently increasing his level of effectiveness.
Learning skills are achieved in the course of study as a whole, through attendance of lectures and tutorials, as well as through consultation of the material provided or suggested by the lecturers for the preparation of the examination paper. Learning skills also are strengthened as part of internship activities and preparation for the final exam.
Learning ability is assessed through forms of continuous verification during training activities, integrating knowledge acquired in the course of specific activities with that attained through personal study, evaluating the critical contribution demonstrated in the course of exercise and seminar activities, as well as through verification of the capacity for self-learning gained during the performance of the activity related to the internship and the final exam.