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Pier Attilio Accorsi

Associate Professor

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Giulia Andreani

Associate Professor

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Published on 2024-04-08 10:17:07

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Giancarlo Avallone

Associate Professor

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Barbara Bacci

Associate Professor

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Vito Antonio Baldassarro

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Andrea Barbarossa

Associate Professor

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Chiara Bernardini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Barbara Brunetti

Associate Professor

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Published on 2023-03-29 10:02:28

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Monica Caffara

Associate Professor

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Monica Forni

Associate Professor

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Fabio Gentilini

Associate Professor

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Luciana Giardino

Full Professor

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Andrea Gustinelli

Associate Professor

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Eleonora Iacono

Associate Professor

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Gloria Isani

Associate Professor

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Luca Lorenzini

Associate Professor

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Caterina Lupini

Associate Professor

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Salvatore Nesci

Associate Professor

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Giampiero Pagliuca

Full Professor

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Alberto Palmonari

Associate Professor

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Giampaolo Peccolo

Associate Professor

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Marcella Spinaci

Associate Professor

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Perla Tedesco

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Fabiana Trombetti

Assistant professor

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Giulio Visentin

Associate Professor

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Augusta Zannoni

Associate Professor

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